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White on Black

Student Feature Film

As part of the 2019 Anchor Film festival hosted by Falmouth High School, ME, I wrote and produced a film to submit for the competition with the help of an incredible cast and team. The film is an abstract story about the highs and lows of decision making, sin and covering it up, and deeper messaging that changes with interpretation.


The preproduction, production and post to create this film lasted three months and to this day is one of my proudest works in audio/visual content. I worked with musicians to write the soundtrack as well s an incredible cast to produce this eerie, whimsical feature short to be displayed for the whole festival. The film won us best actor for the character "Lola" and we went on to submit it to other film festivals following the release,


 Film was produced as part of the Falmouth High School 2019 Anchor Film Festival, written and produced by Sophia Noel and co-directed and filmed by Deacon Stone.



Art Direction

For White on Black


With the film having important meaning for the colors black and white as the "good and bad" for Ash's actions, we wanted to create visuals to go along with the film that would utilize these elements intentionally for the asthetic purpose of the film. Lola's characteris this more clean character with good intentions and the ability to "cover up" the evil character's dealmaking marks but also has an element of sassy charisma. I created the movie poster to display this duality between the two characters and show billy stuck in the middle between the two as he is in the film. Lola wears these tall red heels and lipstick so I made sure to include hints of red in the film poster and secondary artwork. 


White on Black movie poster produced in Adobe Photoshop and Procreate


1-800-Lola Pamphlet

In the scene where Ash is walking downtown and sees the boy in the angel costume advertising Lola's services, what he hands him is this pamphlet. I wanted to create the artwork to look like something cheesy you might pass walking down the street hung up on street posts. I was intentional to use only black, white, and red to go along with the story. I loved illustrating Lola on her "therapy chair" with the red halo to romanticize her character. In the film, the pamphlet may be shown quickly, but it was important that it match the exact feeling I was going for- this "almost too good to be true" advertisement


1-800 Lola pamphlet created with Procreate and Photoshop, printed on paper

(Left Image)

Secondary Poster

(Right Image)

As part of promotion and marketing for the film, I wanted to produce a secondary poster to spark interest as the film festival approached. The background colors of each character in the film correspond with their personas as the devil is darker and Lola's is lighter, with Ash stuck between the two, his face marked with black ink.


Secondary White on Black Poster was created with Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop

White on Black film poster by Sophia Noel


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