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Department of Public Safety Services

Poster Series

Post-pandemic I was able to work face to face with the University of Michigan's DPSS to create a set of posters to promote different aspects of their services on campus. I aimed for the messaging to be both to the point and intriguing. In some of the designs I used humor as a device while in others I took a more serious visual approach in order to translate the message across to the viewer. This semester long project was rewarding as I got to work alongside 24 other students conveying these messages with design as well. As a finale to the project, these posters were displayed around campus with the goal to break down the stereotypes of the campus police and show that DPSS is there to help students in any situation without judgement,

Project launched May 2023 for the University of Michigan Department of Safety Services as part of a Poster Design class in the STAMPS School of Art and Design


Sophia with her final printed posters in the Taubman School of Architecture

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