Illustration Series
The more I started travellng I wanted to create a body of work that was inspired by place and color. I began illustrating foreign places, scenes that make you forget that anything else exists or that there are any worries or responsibilities awaiting you somewhere far off.
Whenever I travel, I love finding myself thinking, "how is it that I ended up here?" Whether it be standing in front of a massive waterfall in a looming cliffside or in a charming pink bathrrom tucked into a lovely local restaraunt in some foreign city.
My favorite book when I was little was Goodnight Moon- I loved the joy of finding the mouse on every page. When I created these beautiful select scenes, I put a lizard in each piece to be the common theme to tie them all together and to give the viewer something to look for. I chose lizards because growing up in Sarasota, Florida, there were colorful lizard sculptures adorning various buildings throughout he city and it would excite me to find one peeking out around a corner. As I continue to travel the world and unlock more beauty in my personal journey, I will never forget where I came from, and to find awe and beauty in the little things.